Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Descriptive Essay Ideas People, Ideas, Objects #038; Much More!
Graphic Essay Ideas People, Ideas, Objects #038; Much More! So as to have the option to compose a decent unmistakable exposition †you must have the option to thoroughly consider everything. From the second the educator has alloted you a graphic paper †you need to begin thinking on it, and on everything identified with it. It doesn't make a difference, if the cutoff time for the illustrative exposition is in months †the standard is â€Å"The more you think and plan it †the better it will be†. So in the event that you have just begun on arranging the enlightening paper †you must have the option to confess all, fascinating and reasonable elucidating exposition thoughts identified with the theme you are given. For certain understudies it might appear to be horrendous to think of new and one of a kind enlightening paper subjects, and these understudies require quality illustrative exposition thought models, which are recorded beneath: * an individual: You can peruse through well known individuals, and possibly portray one of them. It is continually intriguing to become familiar with a particular individual, particularly, if the realities expounded on him are new and fascinating. Attempt to think about a renowned individual you know nothing or almost no †and direct a little exploration. * a spot: You can stun and satisfy your peruser with your composing style. In the event that you have incredible composing abilities †you should make an emphasize on them, and by portraying a particular spot in your spellbinding article you will figure out how to do that. Essentially think about a decent spot, where you can apply your composing ability, and you are a great idea to go. * a memory: In the event that you are genuinely an imaginative individual †you can think about a diverting memory you will need to impart to the peruser. Individuals who prevail with regards to composing an illustrative exposition on a memory and can really portray the occasions and sentiments †can uninhibitedly become proficient journalists thereafter. * an encounter: In the event that you have involvement with training and instructing somebody about something you can without much of a stretch compose an encounter paper. Simply center around the confidence and dive into the subtleties however much as could reasonably be expected, simply recollect not to exhaust the peruser. * an article: By a wide margin the most mainstream point, as it is simple and helpful. Be cautious while portraying an item, as you can be effortlessly rehashed by another understudy from a similar class. On the off chance that you are having issues and troubles with having your expressive article done †you can approach for help. We will simple assistance and give proficient help with any subject of an illustrative article?
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Early Childhood Education System-Free-Samples-Myassignmenthelp
Questions: 1.Briefly portray your interviewee 2.Report on the regular idea of the interdisciplinary cooperation. 3.Close your conversation by assessing and studying the key Opportunities and difficulties for Interdisciplinary Collaborations. Answers: 1.Dr. Kwan Yin Leng Jane is the pioneer of youth instruction framework in Singapore. She has advanced interdisciplinary setting in the youth instruction framework by conveying her considerations in the few nations including China, Australia and USA. She is the present head and CEO of KLC International Institute arranged in Singapore. Interdisciplinary Context in the youth decides the method of learning through different ways instead of the disciplinary setting. Head of the KLC organization has faith in taking and spreading information from the two perspectives yet for performing not the same as the group, Dr. Kwan upheld the technique for interdisciplinary setting as it incorporates the blend of different strategies for performing one movement. While talking with Dr. Kwan, she depicts different significance of the interdisciplinary estimates utilized in the instruction framework for youngsters (Porayska-Pomsta, et. al., 2012). The every day schedule difficulties she faces in the KLC organization was adhering to decides and guidelines that were worked by the administration of the Institute with the goal that all the exercises identified with the instruction or some other office ought to be performed under the rules set by the administration. He decides the difficulties, for example, meeting the prerequisites of the course for the fulfillment of the understudies point of view and as a teacher he assesses the complexities of the instructor to pick the methodology for giving the information to the understudies (Shawande, 2010). Interdisciplinary setting characterizes the other option or one of a kind method of social affair data of the specific course for getting satisfactory outcomes. Youth training has the advantages just as misfortunes since kids dont get time to become familiar with the things by their own, their folks concede them in the learning communities so they could get the straightforward habits to carry on with the life, some essential necessities which will help them in their future life. Guardians for the most part play out this movement due to their bustling timetables, so to manufacture solid and building up the characteristics of living autonomously, they embraces this progression of getting them conceded for youth instruction. Qualities of Interdisciplinary Context according to the Dr. Kwan: Interdisciplinary methodology of instruction framework causes the understudy to look into the investigations just as they this framework helps the kids in learning new things rapidly and through intriguing way. This makes a straight to the point condition among the understudies and resources which gives opportunities to the understudies to associate with the employees to assemble applicable data to satisfy their interest requests (Erricker, 2010). With the utilization of this methodology, understudy may get the hypothetical just as reasonable life information that will help the understudies for their further examinations in secondary school and colleges. Utilizing this methodology for understudy comprehends the significance and significance of cooperatively performed exercises and through this they additionally gets the information with respect to rise to responsibility for applying and actualizing the procedures utilized for the finish of the assignment. It additionally encourages the understudy to improve its learning and relational abilities and she likewise told that KLC establishment advances the utilization of this methodology and from the absolute first day of new understudies information in regards to this methodology is given to them for better understanding (Marranci, 2010). 2.Nature of Interdisciplinary Collaboration in ordinary way by Dr. Kwan Yin Leng Jane: According to the head of KLC foundation, there are parcel of changes are recorded in the arrangement of instruction after adjustment of interdisciplinary example. This example has acquires development and improvement the learning example of the training framework particularly for kids just as it has helped them comprehend things in sufficient way, getting more data with respect to their examinations. Experts, instructors, resources are additionally focusing on improving their example of educating and with the assistance of interdisciplinary setting, they have adjusted different changes in their training example and they have likewise had confidence in utilizing these strategies so youngsters could set up their base solid that will be useful for their further and propelled contemplates (Wang, et. al., 2010). Coordinated effort in each action is must to accomplish sufficient outcomes and for performing viably in community oriented exercises, each part ought to be loaded up with persistence, collaboration and comprehension. These terms are extremely significant for working for an equivalent assignment as a group and till the time these would not be found in colleagues, debates may emerge between them. Dr. Kwan clarified that the learning and encouraging joint effort program to the kids who simply have begun their investigations. Since this example causes them to help each other in the fruition of the assignments just as it likewise encourages them to comprehend the significance of the group execution (Gurses, et. al., 2010). While leading meeting with the Principal of KLC organization of Singapore, she examined the essential terms which ought to be remembered for the joint effort exercises. Right off the bat cooperation and comprehension towards each colleagues choice ought to be accessible in each colleague. This is useful in light of the fact that the colleagues are subject to one another and community oriented work. Till the time, one part won't play out the undertaking according to his ability or aptitudes, errand couldn't be finished. Furthermore, tolerance level and communication between them is additionally another essential factor of joint effort. Having persistence is an absolute necessity need to work in a group for accomplishing joined objectives. Furthermore, collaboration exercises help the understudies to cooperate with one another and it will support them while undertaking task in a gathering position (Sumpio, et. al., 2010). For building these characteristics in each youngster with the goal that they could get accomplishment in their future life, Dr. Kwan revealed to us that they have delegated specialists with sufficient information in significance to the interdisciplinary setting. Specialists show the understudies just as the employees of the establishment with the goal that they could likewise take care of the understudies in future in their nonattendance. Learning condition has been altered with the procedures of synergistic exercises under the term interdisciplinary methodology. Learning condition is valuable for the pragmatic life cycle as it conveys the pertinent and essential data to perform satisfactorily in the commonsense lifecycle. Dr. Kwan characterizes the different methods and highlights they have received in their training design for the youngsters to make their base for the instruction framework solid. Learning games, toys, and so on are embraced in the organization which encourages them to get new things in simple way. They have sufficient number of educators and partners who could care for them (Tappenden, et. al., 2013). As per Dr. Kwan, as such no improvement is required in the organizations of Singapore in light of the fact that according to the examination designs, pretty much every instructive and learning focus have embraced the interdisciplinary methodology for giving better information with respect to the courses understudies have applied for and particularly for the kids in youth focuses, senior specialists have received these examples of community oriented practices under interdisciplinary heading genuinely. The essential topic of the interdisciplinary methodology is to give data in significance to the hypothetical viewpoint just as down to earth perspective and whenever required more than one model of learning ought to likewise be applied to keep up the convergence of the understudies. Educators, resources should be progressively dependable on the showing strategies for interdisciplinary setting. A few nations like USA and UK have made impulse in utilizing of interdisciplinary setting of ki ds instruction necessary (Kreiman Sidtis, 2011). According to the head and other employees of Knowledge for Leadership in Careers International Institute, they are expecting acceptable and satisfactory outcomes through ramifications of these techniques in the training design. Prior to ramifications of the interdisciplinary activities in the instructive framework, educators were centered around giving information to the youngsters/understudies through hypothetical strategy for training framework and through that framework; understudies couldn't get all the things enough and because of which training was declining step by step in the pieces of Singapore. According to the training arrangement of Singapore in the wake of receiving coordinated effort approach under the term interdisciplinary setting, resources have begun conveying great and creative techniques for conveying sufficient information and understudies are additionally enjoying this instruction example and youngsters are glad to get conceded in these sorts of organizations wh ile customarily, for the most part understudies would not move towards the schools and other learning establishments (Friend, et. al., 2010) There is part of advantages accessible to the employees just as to the understudies for utilizing interdisciplinary methodologies in youth instruction framework. These measure helps the understudies who are little in age gets the best open door for the improvement of the solid base for their future. Obstructions and qualities are additionally connected with the interdisciplinary setting of educating as far as community exercises (Bridges, et. al., 2011). These methodologies ought to be checked auspicious to separate the issues if any emerging or looked by the understudies or employees while executing them. As indicated by the Dr. Kwans words, they have selected two tutors in each class particularly to decide the issue of interdisciplinary methodologies and the issues of the understudies as far as collaborating with the tea
Friday, August 21, 2020
Seeples Spotlight Kier Joy COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
Seeples Spotlight Kier Joy COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog Everyone, we have a new work study joining us for the remainder of this fall semester. Please welcome Kier Joy! He is a first-year student at SIPA, studying economic and political development and international conflict resolution. He was raised a military brat, having lived all over the U.S. and in the UK. He graduated from the University of Georgia in 2017 with a dual bachelor degree in International Affairs and Political Science. During undergrad, Kier worked as the director of a state-level legislative research fellowship, applying his passion for policy and progressiveness to legislative issues. Also in undergrad, he studied abroad at the University College London and spent a summer in Washington D.C. as a Rangel Scholar. Kier is also a 2017 Charles B. Rangel International Affairs Fellowship recipient under the United States Department of State. Upon graduating from SIPA, Kier will join the Foreign Service as a Political Foreign Service Officer. What were you doing before you came to SIPA? Before SIPA, I was in undergrad at the University of Georgia. Though I was studying rigorously, I made sure to also gain as much professional experience as possible. After studying abroad in London the summer before my junior year, I was accepted into a state-level legislative research fellowship. In this position, I met with dozens of NGOs in Northeast Georgia to learn how to create, study, and advocate for progressive policy changes in the Georgia State Legislature. Through this opportunity, I worked as legislative aide under a state representative. After being in the fellowship for a year, I was promoted to director and had the chance to lead my own team in policy research. In November of my senior year, I was selected as a 2017 Charles B. Rangel International Affairs Fellow. As part of the Rangel Fellowship, I worked on Capitol Hill as a foreign policy fellow for the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs, Western Hemisphere Subcommittee. From there, I came to SIPA. What attracted you to SIPA and Columbia University? Two things really attracted me to SIPA and Columbia University: the large international student body and professor faculty. First, I wanted to attend a diverse grad school, not only in domestic populations but also international. As I am to join the Foreign Service after graduating, I wanted to be in a place where I was confronted by many different perspectives on global and regional issues to mimic the experiences I’ll have around the world as a diplomat. Second, Columbia University has some of the most renowned professors and practitioners in international affairs. To be able to learn from their research and experiences is such an invaluable honor that I couldn’t afford to miss out on. SIPA features lots of events for students to attend. Is there any interesting presentation that you have attended that you could comment upon? I attended a discussion on white nationalism in the past, present, and future. The discussion was lead by professors from schools all over campus â€" from SIPA to the School of Journalism to the Department of Sociology. It was incredibly interesting to hear from these scholars on where they believe this current uptick in white nationalism is coming from and where it is headed. Also, I’m glad that Columbia has opportunities to discuss current events with faculty. What advice do you have for current applicants? I think nailing a great statement of interest is incredibly important for the application. Given the concise nature of the essay, an applicant must be able to explain three things in very little words: their passion, their interest in Columbia, and why they believe a graduate degree from Columbia can aid them in their career. This can be very difficult. So I recommend starting the statement of interest very early. I started mine 4 months before the application deadline and had many professors and professionals review it. Then I also conducted a lot of research on SIPA, the MIA program, and the faculty so I could express what specifically in SIPA could aid me in my career. But overall, give yourself time to work on the statement. It’s incredibly important. Did you have a lot of quantitative experience when you applied to SIPA? Why or why not? How did you perform in those classes? I had taken 5 quantitative classes in undergrad before SIPA: political economy, microeconomics, macroeconomics, research design and quantitative analysis, and algebra. The only requirements for my undergrad degrees were algebra and macroeconomics. But through a summer program with the State Department, I took political economy. When I was looking into grad schools though and saw that they wanted a higher level of quantitative experience, I made sure to take microeconomics and research design and quantitative analysis. I performed well in all of the classes, though it did take quite a lot of work since I’m not math-minded whatsoever. What advice would you give a first-year student? Many of the core courses have recitation sessions you must attend. A recitation session is an additional “class†you must attend to discuss the topic of the week in the lecture core course. This can add an additional 2 hours per recitation course to your weekly school schedule. Because of this, it’s imperative that you can manage your time well. I suggest getting a planner and filling it out at the beginning of the semester of all the class times, tests, homework, and recitations. This has helped me to visualize how much time I have available to work (and play) outside of class.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Biography of Michelle Obama, U.S. First Lady
Michelle Obama (born January 17, 1964) was the first African-American first lady and the wife of Barack Obama, the 44th president of the United States and the first African-American to serve as president. She is also a lawyer, the former vice president of community and external affairs at the University of Chicago Medical Center, and a philanthropist. Fast Facts: Michelle Obama Known For: First Lady of the United States, wife to 44th President Barack ObamaBorn: January 17, 1964 in Chicago, IllinoisParents: Marian Shields and Fraser C. Robinson IIIEducation: Princeton University (BA in sociology), Harvard Law School (JD)Published Works: BecomingSpouse: Barack Obama (m. October 3, 1992)Children: Malia (born in 1998) and Natasha (known as Sasha, born in 2001) Early Life Michelle Obama (nee Michelle LaVaughn Robinson) was born on January 17, 1964, in Chicago, Illinois, the second of two children of Chicagoans Marian Shields and Fraser C. Robinson III. She describes her parents as important early role models in her life, whom she proudly identifies as working class. Her father, a city pump operator and Democratic precinct captain, worked and lived with multiple sclerosis; his limp and crutches did not affect his abilities as the family breadwinner. Michelles mother stayed home with her children until they reached high school. The family lived in a one-bedroom apartment on the top floor of a brick bungalow on Chicagos south side. The living roomâ€â€converted with a divider down the middleâ€â€served as Michelles bedroom. Michelle and her older brother Craig, now an Ivy League basketball coach at Brown University, grew up hearing the story of their maternal grandfather. A carpenter who was denied union membership due to race, Craig was shut out of the citys top construction jobs. Yet the children were taught they could succeed despite any prejudices they might encounter over race and color. Both children were bright and skipped second grade. Michelle entered a gifted program in sixth grade. From their parents, who had never attended college, Michelle and her brother learned that achievement and hard work were key. Education Michelle attended Whitney M. Young Magnet High School in Chicagos West Loop, graduating in 1981. Although she was discouraged from applying to Princeton by high school advisors who felt her scores werent adequate, she was accepted and graduated from the college with honors and a bachelors degree in sociology and a minor in African-American studies. She was one of very few black students attending Princeton at the time, and the experience made her acutely aware of the issues of race. After graduation, she applied to Harvard Law School and once again faced bias as college counselors tried to talk her out of her decision. Despite their doubts, she matriculated and excelled, obtaining her J.D. in 1985. Professor David B. Wilkins remembers Michelle as forthright: She always stated her position clearly and decisively. Career in Corporate Law After graduating from Harvard Law School, Michelle joined the law firm of Sidley Austin as an associate specializing in marketing and intellectual property. In 1988, a summer intern who was two years older than she by the name of Barack Obama came to work at the firm, and Michelle was assigned as his mentor. They married in 1992 and later had two daughters, Malia (born in 1998) and Natasha, known as Sasha (born in 2001). In 1991, the death of her father from complications related to MS caused Michelle to re-evaluate her life; she subsequently decided to leave corporate law to work in the public sector. Career in Public Sector Michelle first served as assistant to Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daly; later she became assistant commissioner of planning and development. In 1993 she founded Public Allies Chicago, which provided young adults with leadership training for public service careers. As executive director, she headed up a nonprofit named by President Bill Clinton as a model AmeriCorps program. In 1996, she joined the University of Chicago as Associate Dean of Student Services and established its first community service program. In 2002, she was named the University of Chicago Hospitals executive director of community and external affairs. Balancing Career, Family, and Politics Following her husbands election to the U.S. Senate in November 2004, Michelle was appointed Vice President of Community and External Affairs at the University of Chicago Medical Center in May 2005. Despite Baracks dual roles in Washington, D.C., and Chicago, Michelle did not consider resigning from her position and moving to the nations capital. Only after Barack announced his presidential campaign did she adjust her work schedule; in May 2007 she cut her hours by 80 percent to accommodate the needs of the family during his candidacy. Although she resists the labels feminist and liberal, Michelle Obama is widely recognized as outspoken and strong-willed. She has juggled career and family as a working mother, and her positions indicate progressive ideas on the roles of women and men in society. First Lady Michelles husband Barack was elected U.S. president in November 2007. During her first term as first lady, Michelle spearheaded the Lets Move! program, a concerted effort intended to reduce childhood obesity. Although it has been difficult to gauge the success of the program overall, her efforts led to the passage of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act in 2010, which allowed the U.S. Department of Agriculture to set new nutritional standards for all food sold in schools for the first time in more than 30 years. During Barack Obamas second term, Michelle focused on the Reach Higher Initiative, which aimed to help students identify future careers and enable them to complete coursework past high schoolâ€â€whether its at a professional training program, a community college, or a four-year college or university. That initiative continues, with a focus on school counselor training, raising awareness about college access tools, and social media outreach and flagship events such as College Signing Day. Post-White House Since the Obamas left the White House in January 2016, Michelle worked on and published her memoir Becoming, published in November 2018. She has also worked on the Global Girls Alliance, an education project intended to help provide tens of millions of adolescent girls worldwide who were not given a chance to finish high school; Global Girls is an outgrowth of Let Girls Learn, which she started in 2015 and left with the White House. She has actively supported the Chicago-based Obama Foundation charity, and been a spokesperson for When We All Vote, to increase voter registration. Sources: Obama, Michelle. 2018. Becoming. New York: Crown, 2018.Saulny, Susan. Michelle Obama Thrives in Campaign Trenches. New York Times, 14 February 2008.Bennetts, Leslie. First Lady in Waiting., 27 December 2007.Gewertz, Catherine. Michelle Obamas Reach Higher Initiative Merges With the Common Application. Education Week Blog High School Beyond, 27 September 2018. Ross Johnson, Steven. Gauging the public health value of Michelle Obamas Lets Move campaign. Modern Healthcare, 23 August 2016.Rossi, Rosalind. The woman behind Obama. Chicago Sun-Times, 22 January 2008.Slevin, Peter. Michelle Obama: A Life. New York: Vintage Books, 2015.Michelle Obama’s vacation is over. Now she’s claiming her own spotlight. The Washington Post, 11 October 2018.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Federal RICO Statutes Essay - 1615 Words
RICO, which stands for Racketeering Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act, was created in 1970 by the United States Government as a way to help courts fight organized crime. These types of organized crime are often called white collar crimes and they can range from fraud and embezzlement to bribery. Before RICO was established it was far too easy for a person higher up the ladder or ranks of a company or gang to dodge any sort of prosecution for their actions simply because they were not the person who actually did whatever deeds that were being prosecuted. Instead, said person would hold to the liability of others for acting out on their orders, making such persons the only viable criminal, because they were the ones who actively†¦show more content†¦Stat. 895.02), that the defendants in the criminal action were members of the racketeering enterprise, and that the racketeering conduct by the defendants was committed for the purpose of maintaining or advancing their posit ions in the racketeering enterprise†(Criminal Law 472). What these rubrics ensure is that it is able to be proven that a project or business was or is organized and was or is operating in attempts to make profit by illegal means. It must be proven with evidence or testimony that the defendants partook of these activities in order to keep their high level status or to gain status within the business. It may also be noted that the two incidents of racketeering need to have occurred within ten years of one another in order to uphold RICO laws. Also, many states have created their own RICO-like laws that envelop and uphold many of the statutes of RICO itself, in attempts to prevent any loophole activity from occurring. If a conviction is apprehended then the defendant(s) is often subject to pay back numerous monetary sums including but not limited to, funds that were accrued during the illegal activity, treble damages, as well as court and attorney fees. There are a number of differing opinions on the RICO statute, include some of which tha t feel as though RICO is overstepping some of its Constitutional bounds. The biggest Constitutional upheaval that could be claimed would beShow MoreRelatedThe And Corrupt Organization Act1626 Words  | 7 PagesInfluenced and Corrupt Organization Act (RICO) in a criminal or civil law suit a pattern of racketeering activity must be ascertained by proving at least two acts of racketeering activity have been performed within an interval of ten years. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
normative theory and policy evaluation Essay - 1136 Words
I. PROFESSIONAL ETHICS An interesting question concerns the ethical obligations of people who do policy analysis research. Such research often involves ethical dilemmas that relate to: 1. Whether ones purposes should include prescription or evaluation, as well as prediction or explanation. 2. Whether or not to work to maximize the interests of a political party, special interest group, or only general societal interests. 3. Focusing on intended consequences versus all consequences. 4. Efficiency versus equity as policy goals. 5. Evaluation along versus evaluation plus diverse replication as an obligation. 6. Cost-incurring versus cost-saving in research. 7. Whether or not to share ones raw data. 8. Research validity†¦show more content†¦2. Bringing up the bottom with regard to those who are least well off, as expounded by John Rawls. 3. Doing things that make everyone better off or at least no one worse off, as expounded by Vilfredo Pareto. Benefits refer to whatever the society and/or its leaders consider desirable. Costs refer to whatever is considered undesirable. Benefits and costs can refer to monetary or nonmonetary effects. Benefits and costs are interchangeable concepts depending on how they are worded. Thus, high employment is a benefit, and high unemployment is a cost, but they are the complements or inverses of each other. It makes more sense to subtract Normative Theory 89 costs from benefits in talking about overall goals than dividing costs by benefits. The subtraction criterion gives more of a net gain to ones original assets when one project is better on B-C, but another is better on B/C. Other overall goals are also defective, such as (1) merely maximizing benefits without considering costs, (2) merely minimizing costs without considering missed benefits, (3) maximizing benefits subject to a maximum cost level, (4) minimizing costs subject to a minimum benefit level, or (5) maximizing change in benefits divided by change in costs. The fifth alternative is only a means to maximizing benefits minus costs. The third and fourth alternativesShow MoreRelatedDemocracy1022 Words  | 5 PagesNormative democratic theory deals with the moral foundations of democracy and democratic institutions. It is distinct from descriptive and explanatory democratic theory. It does not offer in the first instance a scientific study of those societies that are called democratic. It aims to provide an account of when and why democracy is morally desirable as well as moral principles for guiding the design of democratic institutions. 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Chapter 3 discusses the gathering of data, interviewingRead MoreBrief Description Of Public Policy953 Words  | 4 PagesPart A: Brief description of public policy †¢ Policy refers to a distinct path of action that is suitable for the pursuit of desired goals within a particular context, directing the decision-making or behavior of an organization or individual. There are three key elements of policies: problem definition, goals to be achieved, and policy instruments to address the problem and achieve the goal. The policy process is an activity of balancing different solutions that address aspects of complex problems:Read MoreThe On Maximizing Utility By Thomas Jefferson s Pursuit Of Happiness899 Words  | 4 Pages(Powdthavee, 2007). In other words, traditional economic theory assumes that people are expected utility maximizers and that facing a choice, a person will always select an option that provides her with the best financial outcome. 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In the first part of this essay, we will explore the Expected Utility theory and the Prospect Theory, which are normative and descriptive approaches to making decisions with inherent risks. The first part of the essay argues that Expected Utility Theory is a less viable hypothesis to decision making and is fundamentally flawed compared to the Prospect Theory in description and function. Prospect theory is a better model for decision making because firstly, decisions are not often madeRead MoreUtilitarianism : A Ethical Theory13 81 Words  | 6 PagesUtilitarianism is a normative theory that describes how one ought to act by evaluating the consequences of actions, thus utilitarianism is a breed of consequentialism. Consequences determine whether an act is right or wrong, so one ought to act to produce the best results. The best result is the one that maximizes utility, or produces the largest amount of good. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Technological Forecasting And Social Change -Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Technological Forecasting And Social Change? Answer: Introduction UniCredit is an internationally acclaimed financial institution which has its operations in 22 major European countries. This financial institution has its strategic position in Eastern and Western Europe and thus the company has largest market share. The operations of UniCredit group is found in Ukraine, Turkey, Slovenia, Serbia, Russia, Romania, Poland, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Latvia, Hungary, Germany, Estonia, Czech Republic, Croatia, Bulgaria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Azerbaijan, Austria. The origin of this group dates back to the establishment of an institution in the year 1473, called Rolo Banca. Several specialized business divisions are present in UniCredit Group. This includes investment banking and Corporate Banking division, private banking, families and SME banking. The group also has a CEE division that emphasizes on operations in 19 Central and Eastern Europe countries. Presently the chairman of the group is Giuseppe Vita and the CEO is Federico Ghizzoni (Unicredi 2018). This study is based on the assignment 1 and 2 which emphasizes on the early market entry strategy, merger of HVB Group and the UniCredit Group and the strategies taken up by these groups. Benefits and drawbacks of the first mover market entry strategy in comparison to the follower or late market entry strategy. First mover can be described as a competitive a business receives when it first tries to capture the market and brings a service or product in to the market before any other competitor does. Thus being the first in a market specifically increases the brand recognition and the loyalty of the customers before the other market competitors that are entering the market later. Another important benefit that a certain first mover company receives is the ample amount of time to improve the service and the product (Boldrin and Levine 2013). The advantages of a company being the first mover are as follows: the company gains the benefit of establishing its product as an industry standard; a long lasting impression is created by the company along with the strong brand image that give boost to the brand image; coming first in to a market provide strategic advantage with respect to the hiring skilled employees, contracts with the vital suppliers, location benefits and resource control; other advantages include less cost of attached to the new product launches in comparison to the new entrants (Vecchiato 2015). The other benefits include: Technology leadership- the first movers get an opportunity to make technology used in the product harder to replicate or copy. The first mover company for example can reduce the cost of the product which will be hard for the late movers to follow. This effectively increases the first mover company to establish an advantageous position in terms of product costs. The other way includes securin g the new products with patents by the first movers; Control of resources- the second benefits arises from the strategic control of resources; Buyer-switching costs- this is an exclusive benefit of the first movers, and the late movers pay a hefty price in order to make the reluctant customers choose their products (Markides and Sosa 2013). Drawbacks of being the First Mover- Although there are several advantages for being a first mover, however there are certain drawbacks that do not guarantee advantage: The first movers have to make additional arrangements in order to persuade the customers to try a new product. Whereas, for the late movers it is easy to establish the business on the lines of the previous entrant because the customers are already informed about a specific product (Loschelder et al. 2014). The late movers make cautious decisions and try to avoid the mistakes made by the first mover. The late movers make use of the opportunity of capturing the market where the first mover has failed to capture the customer attention. There is always a chance of making better products through the reverse engineering. This option is truly lacked by the first movers. The late movers can take the advantage of improving on the sections and areas where the first mover entirely overlooked (Loschelder et al. 2014). There are several examples of companies that were not the first movers and still are now considered to be market leaders: Google- before google came there were previous entrants like Infoseek and Yahoo. However, Google improved their search engine and effectively and Google now control 65% of the search in search engines; Southwest Airlines- this airline was a late mover in to the airline sector, still this company expanded fast and now they are the second largest airlines in the world (van Loon 2012). Retail banking and its entry timing in to a foreign market as a first entrant in a foreign country There are factors that play a major role in deciding the timing of a retail banking entry in to a foreign country. The several factors are listed as below: The capabilities of a firm is decided by its competencies, what areas it is good at and what it does better than the other market rivals. Thus, for a banking company to become have all the better qualities than all its rivals takes time to build. Banks begin to earn a large margin of profit only after a certain period of time, and that too the profit is based on the number of customers it serves. Gaining popularity and faith of the customers as a reliable requires a lot of time. Thus, when a company decides to expand its branches into the foreign countries, its own capabilities must be at a peak position. This timing of foreign market entry comes only after it has gain ample confidence and success in its base country (Kotha, Zheng and George 2011). Characteristics of the host country in to the retail banking firm will enter plays an important role. These characteristics include the market economy size, technological sophistication, industrial market structure. The host country must promote the options of foreign direct investment (FDI) so that foreign institutions can easily enter the foreign market without any hurdles. The timing here also plays a crucial role, the environment within the country that promotes a favorable foreign investment will attract the institutions like retail banks to enter in to a foreign country. Timing of such expansion is vital as it leads to an increase in higher profits by the banking entities. The other vital characteristics that are also important include institutional environment, political stability, taxation policies, price of the natural resources, employment and wage laws. All these factors influence business environment to a large extent and thus the decision of a retail banking entity to en ter in to a foreign country will largely include the an assessment of these factors (Nielsen and Nielsen 2011). Competition is a vital aspect of any business entity that wants to survive and competence with all the rivals in the same market environment. Entering in a foreign market also included a crucial assessment of the presence of the market competition in that country. The presence of the level of competition in foreign country will deter most of the companies to expand their branches. However, if that same country lack the market competition, then it will be easy for a new entrant to open a new branch and introduce new products that will attract the more customers. Economic factors are the sole promoters that push a foreign business entity or a retail banking firm to invest in to a foreign country. If a country provides ample opportunities through its economic services, then the likeliness of investment by the retail banking firms will increase. This again depends on the timing of the economic condition of a country, if a country is willing to open its domestic market for the foreign direct investment. Then, such opportunities can be directly linked with the timing of market entry (Goldfarb and Xiao 2011). Geographic proximity and whether it contributes to the success of market entry Geographical proximity play a positive role in contributing to the success of market entry because close proximity helps in easy conduct and management of the whole business process. The increased availability of the geographic information related to the consumers provides an added advantage and scope for the companies to use such information for the purpose of marketing. It is known fact that the social influences are greater when there is a close geographical proximity. The lack of the social network data implies that the influence of the consumers that are in geographically in close proximity can be effectively distinguished from the social proximity. The geographical and the social proximity are much related concepts and thus for this reason the geographic proximity data can be used effectively when the social proximity is absent. Thus expansion of the business and companies to the regions that are in close proximity can lead to increased compatibility between the people (Meyners et al. 2017). It is seen that due to societal, cultural and legal differences the foreign market which is located geographically close often seem to psychologically distant. The two major issues related to the psychological difference are: it is easier for the firms to enter foreign markets when there exists a close psychological proximity; the perception of psychological differences is sometimes based on the false perceptions rather than realistic belief. Expanding in to countries that are in geographically close proximity helps in reducing the complexities that arise due to the societal and the cultural differences. This makes the management of the operation similar to the management operation in the home country. Considering the case of the UniCredit Group, the company expanded in to the neighboring European countries which was under the same economic group and had similar less cultural and societal differences (Thornton, Ribeiro-Soriano and Urbano 2011). Expanding in to the neighboring country which is geographically in close proximity can be effective to a large extent. The effectiveness can be related to the understanding at the governmental level. Countries that are in close proximity often undergo in to promoting business environment that influences each others market. Due to the increased effect of the globalization, the market economies are open and thus countries often prefer to have foreign direct investment from the foreign institutions. Countries often open their market to increase their annual gross domestic product (GDP) from the foreign institutions that operate in a country. Countries often make special economic zones for the foreign entities and exempt them from the paying extra taxes and labor laws also are also made flexible for these foreign entities. When the neighboring governments are stable, it has a positive impact on all the governments that are geographically in close proximity. Stable governments promote a h ealthy growth environment for the domestic as well as the international players. Thus stable governments create opportunities for business and firm expansion which are otherwise detrimental (Autio and Fu 2015). Firms increasingly depend on the knowledge sourced from the other funds in order to enrich their own capabilities and knowledge base. Thus, engaging into merging and collaborations increases the potentiality of accruing knowledge, which otherwise would not have been possible. More demanding customers, shorter life cycle of the products and the ever-increasing global competitions have made the firms realize that working or collaborating with the others can effectively solve their problem. These mergers and the collaborations effectively make the business entities and firms resilient to the rapid changes occurring in the domestic and the global market. Firms and the institutions frequently undergo collaborations for the purpose of having advantages from the other market rivals and competitors. Collaborations that occur are based on the reducing the time for the development of the innovations, gaining knowledge from the partners, resource and risk sharing, increase the diversified knowl edge base. Inter firm mergers and collaboration are found to occur frequently between the companies that are geographically located in close proximity. The proximity can be broken down to two major types: non-spatial proximity and geographical proximity. The non-spatial proximity includes the organizational proximity, cognitive, technological, social, cultural and institutional proximity. The merger or collaboration generally occur between organizations are entirely based on the technology acquisition, knowledge transfer and knowledge sharing. These are often the primary goals of any merger of collaboration. According to some authors, the degree of geographical proximity is described as the geographical distance between two entities (Berchicci, King and Tucci 2011). Thus, it is seen that geographical proximity is playing a major role in defining the success in relation to the market entry. Knowledge sharing and knowledge acquisition are the sole criteria that pushes firms to enter in to foreign markets that are geographically located in close proximity. It is often seen that when companies want to expand in to the neighboring countries, they often choose to move in to a joint venture or from a collaboration. These collaborations or joint ventures arise between business entities that belong from the same industry (Chetty and Michailova 2011). For example, if a bank wants to expand its branches in to the neighboring country, it will look to form a collaboration with a company which is also a financial institution or a bank. The same is true for the automobile firms. If a foreign company wants to launch it automobiles in to different country which previously do not have any manufacturing base, then it forms joint ventures with the domestic company of that country. Such collaboration are solely based on the technology transfer and also introduction of the product which would otherwise have costed more capital to set up its own manufacturing plant (Killing 2012). Conclusion Thus, from the above discussion it can be concluded that, UniCredit and HVB Group were leading banking institutions before the merger took place. After the merger in the year 2005 the company even soared to new heights made the UniCredit Group one of the best financial institutions in Europe. The study also focusses on the benefits arising from being first mover in to any market. Although there are certain benefits associated with first moving, there are certain drawbacks that tend to help the later movers tremendously. Reference Autio, E. and Fu, K., 2015. 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Sunday, April 5, 2020
Agriculture and Irrigation Essay
Agriculture and Irrigation Essay Agriculture and Irrigation Essay The use of irrigation in ancient times has affected the way we grow crops today. Irrigation has been used for many centuries to get the water from a river to the crops. Today, we also use this way of watering crops. With the use of irrigation crops are able to be grown in larger amounts. In Sandra Postel’s article â€Å"Growing more Food with less Water†uses facts to explain how the use of irrigation is very effective in growing more food. The quote â€Å"Most of these people live in Asia and Africa, where long dry seasons make crop production difficult or impossible without irrigation†shows that many countries depend on irrigation to survive. (Postel 7) In many countries they depend on rivers to get the water they need to the crops. Since there isn’t much rain in countries like Asia Africa they need any fo rm of irrigation they can use. It is important for these countries survival that they use irrigation. Many irrigation systems are very expensive so many farmers in poorer countries cannot afford them. Recently, a new machine has been created which is very inexpensive and farmers can afford the new irrigation machine. â€Å"Over the next quarter of a century the number of people living in water-stressed countries will climb from 500 million to three billion. New technologies can help farmers around the world supply food for the growing population†¦Ã¢â‚¬ This quote shows how new irrigation technology can help farmers have a surplus in crops. (Postel 8) New, cheap, irrigation methods have provided farmers with the technology necessary to grow and water crops. New irrigation methods have helped farmers provide markets with crops which increased their income. The quote â€Å"Fields are flooded or water is
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Plastics Polymers Science Fair Project Ideas
Plastics Polymers Science Fair Project Ideas Your science project could involve plastic, monomers, or polymers. These are types of molecules found in everyday life, so one advantage to the project is that its easy to find materials. In addition to learning more about these substances, you have the opportunity to make a difference in the world by finding new ways to use or make polymers and ways to improve plastic recycling. Here Are Some Ideas for Plastic Science Fair Projects Make a bouncing polymer ball. Examine how the properties of the ball are affected by changing the chemical composition of the ball (altering the proportion of ingredients in the recipe).Make gelatin plastic. Examine the properties of the plastic as it goes from fully hydrated with water to fully dried out.Compare the tensile strength of trash bags. How much weight can a bag hold before it tears? Does the thickness of the bag make a difference? How does the type of plastic matter? Do bags with fragrance or colors have different elasticity (stretchiness) or strength compared with white or black trash bags?Examine wrinkling of clothes. Is there any chemical you can put on fabric to cause it to resist wrinkling? Which fabrics wrinkle the most/least? Can you explain why?Examine the mechanical properties of spider silk. Are the properties the same for the different types of silk produced by a single spider (dragline silk, sticky silk for trapping prey, silk used to support a web, etc.)? Is silk different from one type of spider to another? Does temperature affect the properties of the silk produced by a spider? Are sodium polyacrylate beads in disposable diapers the same or are there observable differences between them? In other words, are some diapers meant to resist leaking by resisting pressure on the diapers (from a baby sitting or falling on it) as opposed to resisting leaking by holding maximum fluid? Are there differences between diapers meant for babies in different age groups?Which type of polymer is better suited for use in swimsuits? You could examine differences between nylon and polyester with respect to stretchiness, durability, and colorfastness in chlorinated water (like in a swimming pool) or seawater.Do different plastic covers protect against fading better than others? You can test the fading of construction paper in sunlight with different types of plastic overlaying the paper.What can you do to fake snow to make it as realistic as possible?Make natural plastic from dairy. Do the properties of the polymer change depending on what you used for the dairy source (percent of milk fat in milk or sour cream, etc.)? Does it matter what you use for an acid source (lemon juice versus vinegar)? How is the tensile strength of polyethylene plastic affected by its thickness?How does temperature affect the elasticity of a rubber band (or other plastic)? How does temperature affect other properties?
Friday, February 21, 2020
This is a repeat from yesterday, and I still need two solid paragraphs Essay
This is a repeat from yesterday, and I still need two solid paragraphs answering the below listed question. I have included more - Essay Example Also, the U.S. was just beginning to enter the Industrial Age, changing American society dramatically. Production was soaring because businesses boomed. People moved out of the cities if they could, because there was a wide income disparity between the working class and the urban middle class. In addition, Prohibition was legally enforced while the 18th Amendment was valid, forcing people to stop making moonshine liquor and patronize barsâ€â€however, this legal technicality did not in effect erase peoples’ drinking activity completely, but rather just suppressed it. (People still made liquor illegally, buying it and selling it.) The results of these changes were a New Urban Culture, New Moral Standards, and New Consumer Ethics. A New Urban Culture flourished. As industrial work no longer could meet the demands for low-skilled workers in the polis, industrial operations began to move to the rural areasâ€â€where there were more low-skilled workers who: most likely had le ss education; were willing to work for less money; and were not averse to doing skill that required more physical labor and less intellectual faculties. Also, as people became more middle class, the demand for physical labor decreased. Industries moved to rural areas to stay afloat. New Moral Standards emerged as well. ... The advent of the 9-to-5 office job eclipsed most physical labor that had previously been the backbone of the American work force. More jobs began to require degrees in higher education, and more people began toâ€â€as a resultâ€â€seek more education from institutions at higher learning. Several excellent schools had begun to gain exeter reputations in the early 20th century, such as Harvard, Yale, and Princeton. Education became much more of a focus as several industries moved from the urban to the rural areas. Once the ‘20s were over, people started moving in an exodus out of the city once they had achieved some level of social mobility. Conflict ensued with the Scopes Trial (also famously known as the â€Å"Scopes Monkey Trial†), a lawsuit of the State of Tennessee versus John Scopes, a biology teacher who taught evolutionâ€â€when it was illegal to teach evolution due to the way Tennessee state law was structured. Although Scopes was deemed guilty, he got o ff on a technicality and was never put in jail. Around this time, the eight-hour, five-day work week with two weeks paid vacation became the standard and not the exception in terms of what had traditionally been the standardâ€â€which included longer hours, no free time on the weekend, and no paid vacation. Industryâ€â€although initially urbanâ€â€eventually moved to rural areas, due to the fact that industrial jobs needed low-skill laborers while the public was becoming increasingly educated and more middle class. 2.) Describe the impact of the New Deal on American government and society. In doing ?so, be sure to discuss the primary goal and basic overall characteristic of several specific New Deal programs. (450 words) The New Deal was the first comprehensive socialist program put
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Social sustainability Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
Social sustainability - Assignment Example The leading organizations around the globe are trying to capitalize on the advantages that have been created due to globalization. The global market has become much more competitive after the Second World War. All the leading organizations have implemented advanced technology, strategic tools in their business process (Lancaster and Withey, 2012, p.38). Now-a-days people are much more concern about the quality of products as they have several options and substitutes for a product. In terms of organization, several firms are trying to bring sustainability in the business by focusing on the social, economic and environment sustainability as these will increase the brand reputation in this global competitive market (Bidgoli, 2006, p.173). The study is all about the analysis and evaluation of the social, economic and environment sustainability of leading home furniture retail IKEA. The organization has promoted and planned several sustainability projects and programmes in order to improv e the situation of global economy, community and environment. The study will reveal all the hidden aspects thoroughly. Introduction Sustainability can be defined as fulfilling needs without compromising the capability of the fulfilling of needs of future generation (Moore, 2010, p.20). It improves the quality of life. There are certain aspects that should be contained, such as social, economic and environmental. In the business practices it is known as 3BL or Triple Bottom Line. Sustainable business can be defined as an enterprise who has limited negative impact on local or global environment, society, community or economy. Habitually sustainable business firms have progressive human rights and environmental policies. Generally the business can be determined as green business when that enterprise fulfils the following criteria. It manufactures and supplies environment friendly goods and services and the enterprise is greener comparing to the traditional competition. It has made commitment to the environment policies in the business operations. It includes sustainability principles into business decisions. Any enterprise that practices green and environment friendly activities in order to ensure all the processes and manufacturing activities are current environmental concerned can be termed as sustainable business. IKEA is a leading global home furnishing retailer. The growth story of the organization since 1943 is very much eventful and effectual. Presently the organization is leading the global market place and the organization is popular for its Scandinavian style. Major of the furniture of IKEA are f lat-pack and prepared to be assembled by the buyers. The organization carries almost a range of more than 9,500 products. Online purchasing facilities have increased the core competency of IKEA. Till date there are 20 IKEA stores in UK (Boone and Kurtz, 2009, p.219). The study will determine the actions and strategies of IKEA towards social, economical and environmental sustainability. Moreover, the study will highlight the Green House Gas Management Programme of IKEA. After evaluation, the study will draw the findings and will provide some recommendation plan. Finally the study will articulate a brief and clear conclusion. Social Sustainability The aim and objective of IKEA states that they want to provide better life for the community and people through the business practices. Moreover, the organization always focuses on establishing healthy and better place to work for the employees and the suppliers. Supporting children and vulnerable communities and commitment to supporting hum an rights is a path of promoting social sustainability through the busin
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Effect of Zn Concentration on NiZnFe2O4 Nanoparticles
Effect of Zn Concentration on NiZnFe2O4 Nanoparticles CHAPTER-7 EFFECT OF Zn CONCENTRATION ON MAGNETIC AND DIELECTRIC PROPERTIES OF NiZnFe2O4 NANOPARTICLES 7.1 INTRODUCTION Ni (1-x) Zn (x) Fe2O4 (x=0.2, 0.4 and 0.6) nanoparticles are synthesized by using coprecipitation method. Zinc is a known metal, its role is important in the modification of ferrite properties by redistribution over the tetrahedral and octahedral sites of the spinel lattice. Rath et al (2002) reported the effect of zinc substitution on lattice parameter and magnetic properties on Mn-Zn ferrites prepared by hydrothermal precipitation method. Arulmurugan et al (2005) studied the effect of zinc substitution on Co-Zn and Mn-Zn ferrite nanoparticles prepared by coprecipitaion method. This chapter discusses the effect of zinc concentration on structural, magnetic and dielectric properties of NiZnFe2O4 nanoparticles prepared by co-precipitation method. The detailed experimental procedure involved in the preparation of NiZn ferrite nanoparticles has been already reported in chapter IV. In this method three different compositions such as x=0.2, x=0.4 and x=0.6 were used in the chemical formula Ni (1-x) Zn(x) Fe2O4 to analyze the properties of the ferrite nanoparticles. 7.2 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 7.2.1 X-ray Diffraction (XRD) analysis The average crystallite size ‘t’ and the lattice parameter ‘a’ were calculated from X-ray diffraction data as reported in the chapter –IV. The values of particle size and Lattice parameter of all samples are also tabulated in Tables 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3. The particle size decreased from 24 to 12nm with the increase of Zn concentration. The same behavior of decrease in particle size with the increase of zinc concentration was also observed for the samples sintered at 600 °C and 900 °C. The decrease in particle size due to the increase of zinc concentration was 26 to 20nm for sintered sample at 600 °C and 31 to 25 nm for sintered sample at 900 °C respectively. This variation of particle size with zinc concentration at the above mentioned sintering temperature of Ni Zn ferrites nano particles is shown in Fig.7.1. The above observation shows that the presence of zinc blocks the grain growth. The surface temperature affects the molecular concentration at the surface of the crystal, and hence, the crystal growth (Upadhyay et at 2004). The formation of Zn-ferrite is more exothermic as compared with the formation of Ni-ferrite (Navrotsky Kleppa 1968). Thus, the crystal surface temperature increases with addition of zinc, decreasing the molecular concentration at the crystal surface and hence, obstructing the grain growth. The effects of zinc concentration on structural, magnetic and dielectric properties of Ni-Zn ferrite nano particles were studied. Particle size decreased with the increase of concentration. This decreasing in particle size behavior was observed for all the categories of concentration variation at different sintering temperature levels. The effect of zinc concentration on particle size showed a reverse effect compared with the effect of sintering temperature (chapter-IV), in which the particle sizes increased with the increase of sintering temperature. Table 7.1Particle size and Lattice parameter of as prepared Ni (1-x) Zn (x) Fe2O4 (x= 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6) nano particles Table 7.2 Particle size and Lattice parameter of Ni (1-x) Zn (x) Fe2O4 (x= 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6) nano particles sintered at 600 °C Table 7.3 Particle size and Lattice parameter of Ni (1-x) Zn (x) Fe2O4 (x= 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6) nano particles sintered at 900 °C From Tables 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3 it is also observed that the lattice parameter increases with the increase of zinc concentration. The lattice parameter value for as prepared are increased from 8.33 to 8.37Ã… with the increase of zinc. For the samples sintered at 600 °C the lattice parameter value for lower zinc concentration (x=0.2) is 8.63Ã… and higher zinc concentration (x=0.6) is 8.66 Ã…. The similar behavior of increase in lattice parameter with zinc concentration is also observed as 8.64 to 8.68 Ã… in the samples sintered at 900 °C. This increase of lattice parameter with zinc concentration for all sintering temperatures of Ni Zn ferrites nano particles are also shown in Fig.7.2. The addition of Zn2+ in Ni-ferrite causes the Fe3+ ions to migrate from A site to B site. The larger ionic radius of zinc (0.82Ã…), compared with ferric ion (0.67 Ã…), makes the A site and thus the lattice expands, increasing the lattice parameter. A similar variation of particle size and lattice parameter with zinc content had been observed by Joshi Kulkarrni (1986) for Mg-Zn Ferrite. Fig.7.1Variation of particle size with zinc concentration for all sintering temperatures Fig.7.2Variation of lattice parameter with zinc concentration for all sintering temperature 7.2.2 Magnetic Properties The room temperature B-H hysteresis loops of Ni (1-x) Zn (x) Fe2 O4 nano particles for different zinc concentration (x = 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6) sintered at 600 °C and 900 °C are shown in Figs.7.3 (a), 7.3 (b) and 7.3 (c). The variations of magnetic properties such as saturation magnetization (Ms), and coercivity (Hc) for different zinc concentrations (x = 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6) at particular sintering temperature were calculated from the hysteresis data and tabulated in Tables 7.4, 7.5 and 7.6. Table 7.4 Saturation magnetization and coercivity values of as prepared Ni (1-x) Zn (x) Fe2O4 (x= 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6) nano particles Table 7.5 Saturation magnetization and coercivity values of Ni (1-x) Zn (x) Fe2O4 (x= 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6) nano particles sintered at 600 °C Table 7.6 Saturation magnetization and coercivity values of Ni (1-x) Zn (x) Fe2O4 (x= 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6) nano particles sintered at 900 °C The effect of zinc concentration on magnetic properties such as saturation magnetization and coercivity of all compositions of Ni Zn ferrite nano particles sintered at 600 °C and 900 °C are shown in Figs.7.4 and 7.5. The Fig.7.4 reveals that the saturation magnetization (Ms) decreases with the increase of zinc concentration. The saturation magnetization value decreased from 29.73 to 6.98 emu/g with the increase of zinc concentration for as prepared samples. The saturation magnetization value for the 600 °C sintered samples at lower zinc concentration (x=0.2) was 32.78 emu/g and higher zinc concentration (x=0.6) was 25.80 emu/g. A similar behavior of decrease in saturation magnetization with zinc concentration was also observed in the samples sintered at 900 °C as 64.34 to 39.50 emu/g. Fig.7.3 Hysteresis loops of Ni (1-x) Zn (x) Fe2 O4 nano particles for different zinc concentration (x = 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6) (a) as prepared (b) 600 °C sintered (c) 900 °C sintered samples This decreasing of saturation magnetization with the increase of non magnetic Zn concentration is due to the interaction created by the zinc in the tetrahedral and octahedral sites. This shows the weakening of A-B interaction, whereas B-B interaction changes from ferromagnetic to antiferromagnetic state. The occurrence of minor decrease in saturation magnetization is also evidenced from the dielectric study, because it shows that there is a minor increase in dielectric constant. This reason leads to the conclusion that saturation magnetization variation with respect to concentration for 600 °C and 900 °C samples did not cause a rapid decrease in saturation magnetization like as prepared sample. Fig.7.5 shows that the coercivity values of NiZn ferrite nanoparticles decrease with the increase of zinc concentration. The coercivity values of as prepared nanoparticles decrease from 324.36 to 306.56 Gauss. Similarly the variation of coercivity values of nanocrystalline NiZn ferrite particles with increase of Zn concentration sintered at 600 °C and 900 °C are in the range of 347.31- 340.72 Gauss and 386.67-351.34 Gauss. This is due to the decreases of magneto crystalline anisotropy constant. The magneto crystalline anisotropy constant is negative for both Ni and Zn ferrites. The absolute value of magneto crystalline anisotropy constant larger for Ni ferrites than that of Zn ferrites (Verma et al 2000). The total anisotropy is equal to the sum of their individual anisotropy. So magneto crystalline anisotropy constant and hence coercivity decreases with the increase in Zn concentration. Also reasons behind the decrease in saturation magnetization and decrease in coercivity are c learly identified from the formation of smaller particle size even at the higher Zn concentration at all sintering temperatures. Fig.7.4 Variation of saturation magnetization with zinc concentration Fig.7.5 Variation of coercivity with zinc concentration 7.2.3 Dielectric properties The effect of zinc concentration on dielectric constant of all samples of Ni (1-x) Zn (x) Fe2 O4 nano particles are shown in Figs.7.6 (a), 7.6 (b) and 7.6 (c). The values of dielectric constant and dielectric loss are tabulated in Tables 7.7, 7.8 and 7.9. Fig.7.6 Dielectric constant curves of Ni (1-x) Zn (x) Fe2 O4 nano particles for different zinc concentration (x = 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6) (a) as prepared (b) 600 °C sintered (c) 900 °C sintered samples Fig. 7.7 Dielectric loss curves of Ni (1-x) Zn (x) Fe2 O4 nano particles for different zinc concentration (x = 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6) (a) as prepared (b) 600 °C sintered (c) 900 °C sintered samples The dielectric constant attained for zinc concentration x =0.6 led to a higher value for all the samples. The variations of dielectric constant with zinc concentration for all samples are also shown in Fig. 7.8. For all as prepared samples, the dielectric constant value increased from 10.92 to 25.08 with the increase of zinc concentration. The dielectric constant value for the samples sintered at 600 °C in lower zinc concentration (x=0.2) was 15.33 and it increased to 32.86 at higher zinc concentration (x=0.6). A similar behavior of increase in dielectric constant with increase in zinc concentration was also observed in the samples sintered at 900 °C as 19.37 to 48.18. Table 7.7 Dielectric constant and Dielectric loss values as prepared Ni (1-x) Zn (x) Fe2O4 (x= 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6) nano particles Table 7.8 Dielectric constant and Dielectric loss values of Ni (1-x) Zn (x) Fe2O4 (x= 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6) nano particles sintered at 600 °C Table 7.9 Dielectric constant and Dielectric loss values of Ni (1-x) Zn (x) Fe2O4 (x= 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6) nano particles sintered at 900 °C Figs.7.7 (a), 7.7 (b) and 7.3 (c) show the effect on zinc concentration on dielectric loss factor of all samples of Ni (1-x) Zn (x) Fe2 O4 nano particles. The variation of dielectric loss factor value with zinc concentration for all sintering temperatures is also shown in Fig. 7.9. For all as prepared samples the dielectric loss factor value increased from 0.59 to 1.36 with the increase of zinc concentration. For the samples sintered at 600 °C the dielectric loss factor value for lower zinc concentration (x=0.2) was 0.68 and at higher zinc concentration (x=0.6) it was 1.61. A similar behavior of increase in dielectric loss with increase in zinc concentration was also observed in the samples sintered at 900 °C as 1.34 to 2.14. In Ni-Zn ferrites Zn occupies [A] site and Ni occupies [B]site, while Fe occupies both [A] and [B] sites. When Zn2+ is added in the place of Ni2+, with increase in Zn composition x, some of the Fe3+ ions get converted into Fe2+ ions. This increases the hopping between Fe3+ and Fe2+ ions, thereby decreasing the resistance of the grain. This increases the probability of electrons reaching the grain boundary. Hence the polarization and the dielectric constant increase. Fig.7.8 Variation of dielectric constant with zinc concentration Fig.7.9 Variation of dielectric loss with zinc concentration 7.3 CONCLUSION The effects of zinc concentration on structural, magnetic and dielectric properties of Ni-Zn ferrite nano particles were studied. The increase in zinc concentration obstructed the grain growth and decreased the particles size. The larger ionic radius of Zn, increased the lattice parameter values of NiZn ferrite nanoparticles with the increase of its concentration. The non magnetic property of zinc, decreased the saturation magnetization and coercivity values of NiZn ferrite nanoparticles. The dielectric constant and dielectric loss factor values also increased with the increase of zinc concentration due to the increase of probability of electrons reaching the grain boundary. Low value of particle size obtained at higher zinc concentration in the present work indicated that NiZn ferrite nano particles in lower nanometer scale could be obtained at higher zinc concentration.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Thin is Beautiful Essay -- Beauty and the Media
How many times have you looked in a magazine and envied the models pictured? Have you ever watched a TV show or a movie and wished you looked like one of the stars? Many teenage girls are often targeted by magazines, movies, and TV and are made to believe that â€Å"thin is beautiful†. The media has negatively affected teenage girls’ self-image. From sit-coms to magazines, thin, beautiful girls can be spotted, and this can cause a girl to feel that she is not thin enough to be accepted by society. Many shows on TV can cause a teenage girl’s self-image to be a very negative one; that she is too fat. Sit-coms are examples of this. On the hit TV show â€Å"Friends†, there are three thin, beautiful girls starring in it, who wear skimpy, stylish clothes, have beautiful hair, and always look gorgeous. In a few episodes, there are flashbacks to when Monica, one of the characters on the show, was in high school and was a little bit overweight. Monica’s friends on the show make fun of her because she was much heavier than she currently is. Surely, any girl who is slightly heavier will feel negative about her image because the â€Å"popular†and â€Å"cool†characters on the show are making fun of her weight. Most any other sit-com has the same gorgeous style of women. On Will & Grace for example, the star playing Grace has a beautiful slim body and flaunts it from time to time. On Dharma and Greg, the star also has a thin body and wears smaller clothe s as well. Search mostly any sit-com and surely,...
Saturday, January 11, 2020
The Arguments of the Class Theorists
Class theorists argue that class provides the basic structure of society and is also the chief cause of the inequality of modern societies. The hierarchy of the Australia class system consists of a â€Å"ruling†upper class, a â€Å"white-collar†middle class, and a â€Å"laboring†working class. There is enormous inequality between the class groups and especially between the upper- and middle-classes and the working-class. What class you belong to plays a determining role in what sort of life you lead. Those at the top of the class structure typically seem to have more power, more wealth, more opportunities, and more control over their lives than those at the bottom. They also have a greater impact on society and use this advantage to manipulate society to serve their values and suit their needs. This is no where more evident than in the social institution of education. Education is one of the great dividers amongst classes. The school you go to often determines what sort of qualifications you obtain, what job you get and, thus, how much money you earn and what class you move into. Education is a means in which individuals seek social mobility. Parents realized this long ago and some struggle to send their children to private schools to give them a better chance of succeeding in the class hierarchy. Other children, typically from working-class backgrounds, are victims of low expectations, both from their parents and internally, and leave school as soon as they can, moving into low-paid jobs near the bottom of the social ladder. Whereas, many upper-class and middle-class pupils regard tertiary education as the natural way to their future careers. John Germov states that the education system is a product of a class society and that every society must reproduce itself using its social institutions. Schools accomplish this reproduction of the class system through ideological hegemony, where the dominant belief system, that of the upper-class and even middle-class, is the overriding principle underlying the curriculum and agenda of the educational system. The dominant values, those of the upper-class, are therefore, transmitted and spread through education. This overemphasis of the upper-class ethos tends to alienate working-class children giving way to a feeling of intimidation and eventually it yields resistance to and resignation from schooling. Cultural capital- the knowledge, skills, and beliefs essential for school success- is also an important factor in educational merit. As stated earlier, those at the top of the class hierarchy usually have more wealth and more opportunities. This puts them at a straightaway advantage to those at the lower end of the hierarchy. Cultural capital varies through the classes, as is evident by the greater number of upper- and middle-class children attending tertiary institutions and the high number of working-class dropouts. The pursuit of a classless society is an important gauge of how much progress we have made in diminishing the adverse impact of class upon our lives. The idea of a classless society is unlikely to ever be achieved, but a serious critique of class may help to create a more equal society, especially in the realm of the social institution of education.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Impact Of Globalization On The Social Consciousness Of The...
Introduction Globalization is a term that profoundly characterized the social consciousness of the late 20th century, and still continues to shape 21st century social discourse. But what exactly does globalization imply? Unfortunately, despite being referred to almost incessantly, the true meaning of globalization is often obscure (Reich, 1998). However, according to Griswold (2000), the term globalization simply refers to the liberalization of international trade that effectively promotes the integration of national economies. Another definition of globalization is provided by Pologeorgis (2010), who states that globalization is a process that ultimately aims to expand business operations on a worldwide scale. According to Griswold (2000), there are also those schools of thought who define globalization based on technology and communication in the context of the internet and on diminishing of national boundaries. To this effect, it can be deduced that the eradication of national boundaries, toge ther with increased international communication has resulted in the shrinking of the world into a global village. According to The (2014), the assumption has always been that with globalization, developing nations have the opportunity to catch up and be equal to or with developed nations. Hence, as The (2014) continues to assert, when developed countries enter global markets, economic inequality is significantly diminished. However, according to HoganShow MoreRelatedThe Representation Of The Corporate Social Decisions And Activities1504 Words  | 7 Pages4.2 Legitimacy Theory The corporates were suggested by Hogner (1982) to legitimize their corporate social decisions and activities. In 1983, Lindblom stated a framework about legitimacy theory to explain why companies should disclosure the social information and environment information. 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